High Pressure Electric Compressors On A Drilling Project.

We have recently supplied two of our high pressure electric drive air compressors to a customer for a drilling project. The 1200cfm, 362psi compressors are being used to run drilling rigs on a road building project in Scotland. 

Our drivers and engineers placed the compressors onsite for the customer, connections were made to the generator sets providing power to the compressors and the rest of the site and the hoses set up to connect to the drilling rigs. 

There are clear advantages to electric drive compressors where power is available, from lower running costs compared to diesel, zero emissions, lower noise and longer service intervals.

What this application demonstrates is that by utilising generators which are comparatively low cost and readily available some of those advantages are still obtainable even where there’s no mains power. This project is expected to run for 3 months, even if the site were to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the duration the compressors would only be half way through their service interval by the end. 

We have extensive experience in specifying and delivering compressed air solutions in a variety of environments for a huge range of applications. From remote drilling sites to factory floors. Whether it’s ground work or pharmaceutical production we’ve supplied compressors to meet customer’s needs. 

Sometimes the best fit isn’t always the most obvious, if you have a project that requires compressed air, get in touch to discuss your needs.